Marketing blueprint

ForgeBIT agency is celebrating its 10th birthday

Marko Deak, Leader

Time flies, doesn’t it? I don’t know about you, but at ForgeBIT everything happens very quickly, so we reached the first big milestone, which is the 10th anniversary of your and our dear agency. It has been ten interesting and wild years full of ups and downs. Today, 10 years after 2014, ForgeBIT has grown into an agency with a clear and strong business psychology and a strong company culture.

Creative - that’s the way we do it

Looking back with a bit of nostalgia and a lot of warmth around the heart, we wanted to mark this occasion and leave another lasting mark. The vision was clear – to gather our clients, partners, friends, and family for the first time in a special place that radiates warmth and a good atmosphere and will show who we are right from the start. We wanted to show our first 10 years in a creative way and with emotion because that’s the way we do it. The whole event was a big thank you to everyone who wrote the story of the ForgeBIT agency with us.

Special visual identity, video, and event

First of all, our production manager, Filip, created the visual identity in the spirit of our 10th birthday. We shared the new static and animated logo on all our channels to symbolically mark the beginning of the celebration. Along with planning the event, we decided to prepare a video about our journey and the team, and in this way thank our guests for being part of our story. During the planning process, we realized that so much has happened in these 10 years that it just couldn’t all fit into one video – so we made two videos! The first one, which is a “members only” video, is dedicated to partners, clients, and ForgeBIT and will remain part of our private collection, and the second one, which was a fun way to show our path and our main and strongest foundation – our team.
As is often the case with internal projects of a client-focused agency, we did everything for the birthday at the last minute – and it turned out awesome! Ranch Kurilovec completed the vision of the environment as much as possible, the short speech and the premiere of the “members only” video awakened emotions and caused a few tears, and the funny video with all our employees turned all emotions into laughter. And then we ate the cake, nothing without cake.

Stronger and to infinity

After all that’s happened, with a full heart and some relief, we are preparing a campaign for 10 years, which you can find on ForgeBIT’s social networks. Our managers Marta, Ivana, Filip, Vedran, Lara, and the Office Manager Sadeta, did their best to make the event go as planned. After all the feedback from our guests – we feel fantastic and we continue to celebrate this occasion! Of course, our story does not stop there, we will go on even stronger and just as the line in our animated logo – to infinity. Thank you to everyone who is part of our story!
  • Creative - that’s the way we do it
  • Special visual identity, video, and event
  • Stronger and to infinity

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